This week’s Dance First Member Insight is from Amara Pagano & Pier Paolo DeAngelis of the Azul Conscious Movement!

It is a pivotal time on our planet, and a great awakening is happening, unveiling a new way of living together that is sustainable and humane.

To support this unprecedented transition into the new and include the intelligence of the body in the conversation, our team is preparing The Embodied Movement Conference. The conference is a LIVE and FREE online event on Feb 4-9, 2022.

We will explore how the power of movement can support the evolutionary passage we are living during our time together. We will examine a simple, profound, and helpful orientation as we navigate the daily challenges we face while everything in our lives is changing.

We gathered some of the brightest lights in the fields of conscious dance, somatic inquiry, body intelligence, yoga, breathwork, energy healing, nutrition, spirituality, science, and indigenous wisdom. Together, they will provide a map and a set of tools that you will be able to use for years to come.

There is a very simple belief guiding the Conference: that, if we are connected to our own bodies, we naturally care and connect with the other bodies and the body of the planet.

The Conference is also building a bridge between conscious movement and the larger field of awakening consciousness. So, in addition to enjoying the mastery of the movement teachers, you will also have the opportunity to receive the latest information emerging in science and spirituality and reconnect with the wisdom of the indigenous traditions.

It will be a rich experience – and being LIVE will allow you to interact with the faculty and connect with a worldwide web of like-minded and like-hearted people.

So, sign-up today FREE, mark your calendar, and if you feel inspired, share with your community. You can reach out to us to explore being an affiliate

Thank you for joining us on this epic adventure.

Amara & Pier Paolo