This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Sofiah Thom, creator of the Temple Body Arts™ School for Embodied Feminine Leadership.

Dear Conscious Dancer tribe,

2020 left so many of us feeling powerless…

We watched as the old systems and structures began to crumble and fall. If there is anything that navigating the pandemic and 2020 has taught us, it is how to continually shift and pivot in a different direction. But we must create space to listen, before moving forward. As we enter 2021, we must ask ourselves, what are we leaving behind in 2020, and what are we calling in? Recently, through an injury, I was forced to pause and listen deeply, and I now recognize the importance of creating space to pause and reflect on how we are called to move forward, collectively.

Now more than ever we are being called to come together and truly dance and embody that which we desire to see in the world. We get to choose how we are showing up in every moment, no matter what life is throwing at us. As conscious dancers, we recognize the power we hold in our bodies and we can use this creative power to shift and create new pathways of moving, and of being. We have to be the change that we seek, and it starts with how we are dancing through life.

What are we going to dance into being as conscious dancers? It is time for us to create a new script together. As the old structures are crumbling, let us use this time to step into our divine purpose as light workers, and be the way-showers. Through our leadership, let us light our own paths and create a new story and script to live by.

Now, I am more passionate and committed than ever, to my purpose of being a leader and inspiring other leaders like yourselves to stop playing small, and step into your fullest potential. I am fully committed to my work with women to clear and heal our wombs, so that together, we can birth a new paradigm.

This week, I am hosting a global gathering that I would love all women to participate in, and for men reading, please share this with your sisters and loved ones. Join us over the first new moon of the year, for IGNITE YOUR VISION 2021. For 90 minutes a day we will pause, align, and vision what we are here to create collectively for 2021.

This offering is only $21 and you get to bring a sister for free! It is time to gather and use the collective fire alive in our world, not for destruction, but for CREATION. Together we can work toward a higher vibration in our personal lives and the collective for 2021! Our world NEEDS YOU now. Let us join forces and connect in this global intention-setting gathering on January 12-14, 2021!

Link to sign up:

Sofiah Thom is the creator and CEO of the Temple Body Arts™ School for Embodied Feminine Leadership, she mentors women to create a life aligned with their essence and create the impact and income they desire while supporting the Rise of the Divine. Sofiah co-authored The Path of the Priestess Book: Discover Your Divine Purpose.

Alongside her husband Brendan and a handful of visionaries, Sofiah co-founded the Envision Festival in Costa Rica, a conscious festival celebrating music, art, and sacred movement. Together, Sofiah and her husband co-founded Danyasa Eco-Retreat in the beautiful beach town of Dominical, Costa Rica, where they live.

(Would you like to write an Insight Column for Monday Love and be featured on the Conscious Dancer website? Send us an email today!)