“ Healing yourself is connected with healing others.”

 ~ Yoko Ono

Have you ever noticed how sometimes you’ll think there’s an obvious connection between two things only to find that there’s not?

Or conversely, how something totally unrelated will prove to be the missing piece? Puzzling as it may be, it just seems like that’s the way things are.

When you’ve got a problem to solve, it makes sense to look for the most obvious solution. You might keep taking the same approach over and over, and keep making no progress. This can go on for years!

A day comes along when you tackle some other small problem. Something seemingly unrelated that you’ve possibly been procrastinating on for a long time.

As it’s finally being resolved, you start noticing something going on with the bigger problem. Voilà! It’s going away too!

This sort of nonlinear activity is often across vastly different domains, for instance, solving a relationship or family conundrum and seeing a remarkable change in health.

I doubt if this is the kind of thing that science could look at. It’s just my own anecdotal observation of the universe. I tried something new with a minor irritation that’s been vexing me and started seeing big improvements in something that I would have thought to be totally unrelated.

I guess the moral of the story is that it’s fun to make progress. When we are facing a problem or a puzzle, it feels great to work our way through.

So, if we are beating our heads against the wall to no avail, maybe the message is to lighten up and be present with everything else in our universe. That thing coming out of left field that you’ve been ignoring might be the key to your biggest conundrum!

With you all the way, much love till next Monday!


Mark Metz
Director of the Dance First Association
Publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine