“ We’re fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.”

 ~ Japanese Proverb

What are the words used to describe the act of comparing one thing to something else?

“A metaphor is something, a simile is like something, and an analogy explains how one thing being like the other helps to explain them both.”

Let’s unpack that a little using “dance” and “life” as our examples.

Life is a dance” or the reverse “Dance is life” are about as clear and simple metaphors as you can get.

Dancing is like living in motion” would be a simile I suppose.

Life without motion is like a dance with no steps” is more of an analogy. (How you define “steps” is a matter of opinion, as any freestyle dancer can attest.)

But however you slice it, semantics and rhetoric aside, looking at your existence like a never-ending dance that’s always inviting you to play is great way to approach this tasty loaf of living we call life.

When it comes at you hard, you have to go with the flow. When it dips, you twirl. Lean into it, and you’ll find support. Listen to your body before letting your mind take the lead.

Your every breath is a dance with the atmosphere that sustains us. Your every step is in balance with the earth that supports us. Your every thought is an impression upon the universe that surrounds us.

Your intuition, your inspiration, your ego, and your emotions are all figures on the great dance floor of life that you bring your best to in every waking moment.

And when you are sleeping, your dreams are dancing with the shadows and light of your conscious world while your inspiration shines in technicolor through the prism of your imagination.

Metaphor, simile, analogy, or contrast matters little in the end. What counts is keeping your feet light, your heart full, and your chin up as you face each moment like a special partner deserving your best.

Let love and presence guide your day-to-day dance and life will reward you with the blessings only a special partner can bring. Life is movement, and it’s inviting you to practice!

Au revoir à Lundi prochain!


Mark Metz
Director of the Dance First Association
Publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine