“ There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.”

 ~ Jane Austen

How do you say warm, cozy, or comfortable? Does the English language have just the right word to express that sort of indoor wintertime comfort? Perhaps we should look to another language for just the right term?

Describing feelings is a tricky business. Sometimes a single word doesn’t quite sum it up. When in doubt, analogies or metaphors can come in handy.

Personally, my favorite days are the ones where everything in life is going. well, I’m feeling contented, satisfied, and secure in my personal life and relationships with friends and family, and the future looks bright. (I know, I’ve always been an optimist known for wearing rose-colored glasses, but whatever.)

On the moments when I tap into that vibe, I’m reminded of what it feels like to wear a really comfortable pair of cushy socks inside my most well-fitting shoes. For some reason, the concept of “happy feet” seems well suited to a good life in general.

Folks in Denmark have a handy word to describe that ineffable cozy wintertime vibe, defined online as “a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being”. It’s pronounced HOO-ga and it is spelled hygge.

Regardless of the language, the solstice and holiday season here in the northern hemisphere is all about hygge. After you’re done with all the hustle and bustle out in the world, a warm home surrounded by creature comforts and “the chimney, tea, and knitting” (as my dear Isabelle puts it) are just what the doctor ordered.

Flavors like hot chocolate or eggnog. Smells like pine and cinnamon. The sound of a crackling fire, (or LP record). The scratchy feeling of a favorite wool sweater. The sight of all the sparkly things that haven’t been pulled out since last year. These all add up to hygge.

Here in California we’re finally getting our El Niño winter. Unlike some parts of the world where rain comes and goes throughout the year, here it is all-or-nothing. You can pretty much count on at least six consecutive months of sunshine, and if we’re not in a drought quite a few rainy days in the winter.

If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time putting your energy out into the world. The dance of hygge is about flipping that script and paying more attention to the inside of your nest. After all, there’s nothing cozier than being in your favorite socks when you’re on the inside looking out!

Much love and happy nesting till next week!


Mark Metz
Director of the Dance First Association
Publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine