A 9-Day Feminine Leadership Training at Danyasa
Eco-Retreat in Costa Rica
April 29th to May 8th

Experience the power of a truly supportive sisterhood and heal any sisterhood wounds.
Tap into embodied confidence as you feel the safety of being witnessed and expressing your essence.
Experience the depth of your feminine power through ritual dance and learn how to express your authenticity.
Activate your voice and learn to express it from an empowered and embodied place of being.
Receive clarity about your divine purpose and path as you learn to tap into the wisdom held in your Temple Body.
Step into greater leadership as you reclaim your innate gifts and prepare to step out into the world and share them.

For Feminine Leaders Ready to Embody the Wayshower You Were Born to BE
Step into greater leadership as you reclaim your innate gifts and prepare to step out into the world and create a divine impact
Tap into embodied confidence as you feel the safety of being witnessed in your full expression.
Experience the power of a truly supportive sisterhood and heal any sisterhood wounds
Experience the depth of your feminine power through ritual dance and learn how to express your authenticity
Activate your voice and learn to express it from an empowered and embodied place of being
Activate the divine feminine codes living within you through this deep initiation onto the path of living tantra and sacred sensuality
Receive clarity about your divine purpose and path as you learn to tap into the wisdom held in your Temple Body
Access your womb wisdom as you clear ancestral beliefs that no longer serve and harvest the gifts passed down through your lineage

For an intimate and potent experience that will ignite your creative spark, awaken your inner voice, and reconnect you to your primal power.