Critical Mass Dance Company supports the well-being, joy and resilience of women and gender non-conforming individuals through the transformative act of dance and movement.
We center the wellness of Black, Indigenous, women of color; immigrants (documented and undocumented); and LGBTQIA+ individuals.
We aspire to co-create brave movement spaces where all bodies can dance freely from all expressions, abilities, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
We welcome the full participation of gender beyond the binary, sexuality as a galaxy and a collaborative creation of a healthy, diverse and inclusive community through dance.
CMDC is committed to providing community programs that are accessible and inclusive. We work with other nonprofit organizations who uphold our values of equity and liberation to provide free and low-cost classes online and in-person (when possible) in English and Spanish to ensure accessibility regardless of language, economic or ability.
CMDC teaches a trauma-informed, community-based embodiment practice called Dance from the Heart:
Dance From The Heart helps us to envision and embody our greatest visions for our lives and world. As we embody these visions with movement, we help create the personal and social transformation we wish to see. Dance from the Heart cultivates resilience, supports mental health, builds community care and contributes to a system that promotes wellbeing of mind, body and spirit.
We envision a world where:
- Humanity is rooted in living & leading from the heart, creating change from the inside out.
- All people have access to dance & other holistic embodiment practices that help them connect to their heart.
- We embody an intersectional approach to unity and collaboration that celebrates the diverse human experience
- Heart-centered movement contributes to the well-being of humanity and our stewardship of the planet earth.
Dance is healing:
- Supporting holistic health and wellness on the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental levels with dance.
Full creative expression of all people:
- Providing an environment that encourages all bodies to move and express freely.
Respecting the inherent value in all:
- Appreciating that everyone has something important to contribute.
Creating community:
- Building strong, lasting relationships that lifts up the well-being of all.
Transformation from within:
- Shifting our inner world (thoughts, feelings, etc) to make change in the external world.
Heart-centered organizing:
- Embodying an organizing principle of heart-led leadership for inclusion, equity and collective action.
Catalyzing social change:
- Raising consciousness to inspire peace and justice through healing movement.
Join us on June 17th from 1-5pm at El Sereno Community Garden for our FREE annual solstice event:
Well:spring – A Day of Community Wellness!
Critical Mass Dance Company invites you to celebrate the summer solstice with us by activating our collective webs of support, nourishment, and mental well-being.