This week’s Dance First Member Insight is from Kumu Karyne Daniels and Sacred Dance Path!

Dance Drop 

Many of us throughout the world have dropped into our “dance body” in our living rooms. It has been an uncommon season, which in turn, has bred uncommon fruit. I won’t downplay the severity and seriousness of this pandemic but rather speak to you artistically from a creative viewpoint. This particular dance season has not been negative.

So many of us have seen our practices flourish and reached groups of humans that otherwise we may not have! We have created new modalities and experienced deeper unheard of embodiments. Simply speaking, dancers worldwide have grown and shifted into the next phase of our very important work.

Personally, I have found myself in deeper ways and have touched Spirit inside my living room/studio; I have danced myself into a Secret Place….a Throne Room where, combining prayer with sacred dance, I have dropped deeper into my dance-body and found AMAZING new gifts waiting for me!

Letting dance drop from heaven into your body can look different for every practitioner. For me, it was clear:

* Prayer and dance are one
* Dance waits for us to arrive at its door – it is never locked
* Everything you seek is in your body and sourced through your deep heart dance
* Dance IS a place
* God meets us there / God is the choreographer
* Dance presents a field for miracles, healings, revelations

Experiencing a deeper drop into your dance can also be thought of as becoming more intimate with your dance.  Dance Intimacy.  You have heard of the word “intimacy” broken down as:

IN-TO-ME-SEE. Prayerful, conscious, heart-centered dance stirs an intimacy with God, revealing a new land space where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!  

Dance family, I pray your dance will always drop you deeper into higher expressions of your gift.

Join me for Dance Drop-In on Tuesdays online beginning in January:

Let us drop deep into the layers of our dance body in 2022!

And so it is…Amen.

Karyne Daniels