Trilogy – 3 concurrent gender programs in Boulder –
Shakti Sisterhood, Divine Siblinghood, & Benevolent Brotherhood – July 12 & 13
Surfing the Creative: Intergenerational – July 14–19
Creative Liberation Performance – July 21
“You are welcome to come be a part of our shared dance in the Golden Bridge world. This July during our SomaSource Summer Institute, we open our doors and hearts wide to the world to enact again and anew these ancient rituals of initiation into our next stage of being, as individuals and as a community.”

We have young people coming onto the dance floor from Baltimore, Boulder, South Africa, Nepal, The DRC, Guatemala, China, and beyond. We have Elders, middlers, folks in love transitions, health transitions, professional transitions, transitions due to war and environmental disaster, all seeking healing and wholing. We have artists from some of the most marginalized communities on the planet joining in creative collaboration with folks from highly privileged social locations. We will dance and pray. Sweat and play. Weep and join hands to collaboratively dream a better world.

Not only will we enact our rites of passage journeys, including our Love In Action performance on July 21st at the Dairy, but we will be actively shifting the story of Golden Bridge. Step by step, we are moving from one woman’s dream and responsibility into a new chapter where I will be stepping way back from the center so that the next generation of brilliant leadership can step forward to help guide Golden Bridge into its next era of existence. This delicate and deep process is being worked from the inside out. Our process of reformation is happening. As we cultivate the next chapter for Golden Bridge, I personally can’t wait to return to my original dance and life as an artist and educator in new ways.

Our work together weaves somatic resourcing, creative expression, social justice, cross-cultural bridging, and the natural world into a process that is both healing and awakening. The journey is life-changing, inspiring grounding and vision, along with generating capacities to bring dreams and dharma into reality.

In these times of conflict and challenge on planet Earth, humanity is being called to move courageously with embodied discernment and collaborative creativity, aligning inner and outer truths for the well-being of all. Surfing The Creative is a time-tested pathway for the reclamation of people’s unique and vital gifts. It is an invitation to move from inertia into action, from fragmentation into integration, from isolation into loving community.
The work is raw, beautiful, surprising, and filled with pictures of what is possible when people orient towards creativity, collaboration, and kindness.

This is both a celebration of the decades of innovative and brave work that Golden Bridge has offered to the world along with being a fundraiser to help sustain the many initiatives around the world born through this body of work.

Join us for this soulful expression of humanity’s capacity to move into life-giving action through dance, song, poetry, theatre, and love.