Events for October 3 - July 20



BISO is a dynamic movement facilitator training with Cathy Ryan and Nele Vandezande, running from March 2023 to Dec 2024 We are delighted to be launching a new movement and leadership facilitation training, probably about 60 years in the making, a crucible of our many years of teaching and studying. This will be a two [...]


A year-long apprenticeship with Adam, as an in-depth exploration of the question “Who am I, deep down? What do I need? What can I give to the world?” Using the full spectrum of the ZeroOne practice, you will get to clarify, deepen and strengthen your sense of purpose for your way in the world. For [...]


online event

Embodiment Facilitation for Men working as Coaches and Therapists The way you do anything is the way you do everything. Martha Beck This is an online course led by Adam and Pieter van Winkle, founder of the Institute for Embodied Men’s Work. A 3.5 month course for therapists and coaches who want to level-up their effectiveness, [...]

Vision quest a wilderness vigil


a contemporary rite of passage - a ritual of remembering who we are. People of all cultures have gone into the wild to retune their ear to the many-voiced landscape, to seek guidance in times of uncertainty, to mark life transitions, to connect with their own and nature's wilder wisdom. What they found was that [...]

Rebirth – The Spring Dream Dance Ceremony

Rill Estate, Devon UK Colston Rd, Buckfastleigh TQ11 0LW, United Kingdom, United Kingdom

If you are not a Movement Medicine Apprentice please apply here. This gathering is focused on the Spring Dream Dance Rebirth ceremony, a 48-hour journey aimed at supporting dancers to focus their spring energy for the year ahead and offer up prayers for these dreams and all that we are connected to. For the first time, this event [...]

£995.00 – £1195.00

Exploring Rhythms of the Heart…The Tao of Dance

Peterborough Town Library 2 Concord St, Peterborough, NH 03458, United States

Dance* Drumming* Sound* In this workshop, we set aside time and make the intention to access our deeper knowing. We utilize sacred geometry, sound, drumming, expressive gestures, and dance to poetically transmute the ordinary into the extraordinary. We ground ourselves in the dances of spaciousness, relationships and sacredness. We meet the moment, creatively, in an [...]

Adventure & Awakening in Costa Rica

AWAKEN YOUR SOUL Take time to pause your mind and awaken your soul with a 6 night retreat full of adventure! Immerse yourself into a world of wonder, where the jungle meets the sea in Dominical! Your time on retreat will be the perfect balance of daily yoga and breathwork to sooth your nervous system [...]



A series of soulfully stripped down poetic investigations threading your story, shape & breath. Exploring a shapeshifting response to what is happening now in you, around you and universally. Illuminating the language that uncovers your gestures to free your body, heart, mind, soul and spirit through theatrical investigation. This is an intimate exploration of the [...]

Beginning Evans Somatic Dance Technique with Bill Evans (Hybrid)

Everywhere! via Zoom

A 5-week online series in Evans’ unique style of modern dance technique. Appropriate for dancers with some experience at the beginning level in modern, contemporary, ballet or jazz. All ages welcome. Evans built his technique on his profound study of ballet and classic styles of modern dance, and on a decades-long study of the Laban/Bartenieff [...]

Rose of Rapture Poetry, Dance, Whirling, Chanting & Trance

Corazon Performing Arts 125 S Topanga Canyon Blvd, Topanga, CA, United States

Experience your multidimensional self through whirling, sacred dance, trance, mystical poetry, chanting and live drumming practices that induce altered states of consciousness to aid your ascension and the ascension of Mother Earth. Mixed Levels Join Now

Online Series: Movement Ritual & Dance Explorations: Supportive and artful practices for spring ~ with Joy Cosculluela, RSME/MT


4 Mondays, April 8 – 29 | 10am-11:30am PDT | $80 for the series As we go through seasonal changes, how can we invite pleasure, flexibility, and strength in our bodies? In this series we journey through the body’s landscape and find support as spring arrives. Using Anna Halprin’s somatic approach, we get in touch with [...]

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