Events for July 8 - November 24

Online Workshop: Moving Through Grief with Adriana Marchione


Friday, June 7th | 10am-1pm Pacific Time | $80 Join Expressive Arts Therapist, Tamalpa Supervisor and Creative Mentor Adriana Marchione for a special opportunity to explore healing from grief in this Master Class. Using a life/art approach, we will draw, dance and find rituals to honor the losses we have sustained and explore how the arts [...]


AWAQ by design • Bex Nimrod

HUMAN DESIGN FOCUSED RETREAT Are you ready to deepen your understanding of who you are and how you’ve been designed to shine? If so, this 7 day, 6 night Human Design focused retreat is for you. You will have the opportunity to experience daily yoga, breath and meditation practice, Human Design workshops, excursions & sacred [...]


Cyprus Cyprus, Cyprus

Dancing in times of trouble The time is Now: we’re in breakdown and breakthrough Could we surrender to the reality that the world is far bigger than us? That life is far stronger than us? That we’re all in this together? That in our desperate scramble for solutions and yet more control, the truth is we [...]

Online Workshop: Unhooking from Addictive Habits with Adriana Marchione


Friday, June 14th | 10am-1pm Pacific Time | $80 Join Expressive Arts Therapist, Tamalpa Supervisor and Creative Mentor Adriana Marchione for a special opportunity to explore ‘recovery’ from addiction in this Master Class. Using a life/art approach, we will draw and dance to embody avenues for change in ourselves, our loved ones, and the people we [...]


Shine Solstice Retreat

Dominical Costa Rica Dominical Costa Rica

IGNITE THE LIGHT WITHIN Shine Solstice is for women who desire to live fully and wholeheartedly into their truthful selves. When we live into alignment with who we are designed to be, we live a more joyful and heart centered life experience. …This does not equate to easy. Life is full of ebbs and flows [...]

Fundamentals of Esalen® Massage

Esalen Institue Big Sur 55000 CA-1, Big Sur, CA 93920, United States

June 21–23, 2024 Jenny Pareno and Ellen Watson Register Now This workshop is a perfect opportunity for you to enjoy the natural beauty of Esalen’s land while gaining a foundation in Esalen® Massage. Senior teachers and staff will guide you in this experience of connection and presence translated to the massage table. Through lecture, [...]


Geneva Geneva, Switzerland, NY, Switzerland

These are not easy times, and it doesn’t look like ‘ease’ is going to be at the top of the menu any time soon. But the truth has a strange way of being a relief, even when it’s not easy, and the body doesn’t lie. To move, breathe, and pay attention: these are the keys [...]

The 2024 Creative Dance Congress Introductory Workshop

Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts Hampshire College Amherst Massachusetts

The 2024 Creative Dance Congress - "Dancing the Winds of Change" Introductory Workshop June 22 & 23 We invite you to join our living, dancing community – which evolves in exciting ways over a week’s time. Hampshire College offers opportunities to dance outdoors on a campus that offers beautiful lawns, hill- sides, ponds, trees, and [...]

In-Person Public Workshop at Mt. Madonna: The Expressive Body in a Life/Art Process

Mt. Madonna Center Mt. Madonna Center 445 Summit Rd. Watsonville, CA 95076

Now and throughout history, movement, dance and the expressive arts grant us a means of expression that is healing; these timeless creative practices connect us with ourselves and our communities. This workshop will generate opportunities to discover ways to empower the wisdom of your somatic self to meaningfully impact your regular life. The methods and [...]


Una aventura de renovación en Costa Rica con iTravel

PURA VIDA WELLNESS En este retiro en Costa Rica, cada paso es una aventura y cada encuentro es una oportunidad para crecer y aprender en este viaje hacia la plenitud y la conexión con la vida. Cada momento te brinda la oportunidad de reconectar contigo mismo y con el mundo que te rodea, dejando atrás [...]

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