Tenderness at the Heart of Dance

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Soul Motion®: Tenderness at the Heart of the Dance


with Zuza Engler and Scott Engler


Soul is flow, an ever-changing cloudscape of textures, hues, sensations, scents, and feelings. Soul is how the deathless Presence meets and moves a finite human body. In this workshop, we will reclaim the body-in-motion as a doorway to the soul’s flow, to the life that is unfolding just under the surface of everyday forgetting.


Soul Motion is a meeting with self and other in a dance that is deeply nourishing, creative, intelligent, emotionally savvy, heartbreaking, soul-making, spirited, and transforming. It is a movement toward the dynamic stillness at the center of all things, the place of rest at the heart of sound and motion. We will gather to listen deeply and hover on the threshold between doing and being, solitude and togetherness, awkwardness and grace.


“Dancing at the edge of the continent, the edge of another beginning, the edge of Love despite all odds, we will move with our delight and our sorrow, inspired by the promise of light returning into the heart of darkness,” writes Zuza. “This formless dance form allows for passionate, full-bodied movement as well as mindful inner explorations, art-making, ritual, and luscious lounging.”


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