Gurdjieff Sacred Dances – 5-day Journey with Carol Squire

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“It is only by grounding our awareness in the living sensation of our bodies that the ‘I Am,’ our real presence, can awaken.”
– G. I. Gurdjieff
Who was Gurdjieff, and what are these dances about?
George I. Gurdjieff was an Armenian spiritual master and mystic, who lived on earth from 1872-1949. He set out at the age of 20, searching for the answer to the basic question, why am I here, on Earth?
His search took him to ancient monasteries and temples from Egypt, across Central Asia, to Tibet and India. He discovered secret sufi brotherhoods, guarding the knowledge he was seeking.
He emerged, 25 years later, in Russia, and began to share the rich learnings from his travels. He escaped, during the Russian revolution, with a small caravanserai of pupils, to France, where he set up the institute for the harmonious development of man.
Among his teachings were the Sacred Dances, intense vehicles for inner transformation.
These Dances –based on the sciences of movement and neurology– demand an extraordinary amount of attention, divided simultaneously between the body, the heart, and the mind.
The Movements are ideally done in groups, as they require and develop a sense of being part of a moving whole. They are at once simple and complex, capable of eliciting the kind of existential tension, frustration, suffering, and joy that allow us to see our own reactions.
The point of this journey is not to “get the dances right”, but to observe our relationship to ourselves and others in the midst of challenge, making it a very intimate process towards lucidity and freedom.
Each dance is a transmission, carried by the music designed by Gurdjieff and Russian composer, Thomas de Hartmann. The strange and beautiful rhythms and melodies evoke feelings and sensations that enhance the process.
They support to anchor a sense of presence in the body, stretch our muscles of divided attention, observe ourselves in challenging circumstances, and perhaps, through effort and grace, reach a place that cannot be described with words.
About the facilitator :
Carol is an Entrepreneur, Strategist, Mentor and Transformational leader. A Transactional Analysis (TA) facilitator, Fourth Way teacher and co-founder of the International Akhaldans Fourth Way School, she is a woman, a mother, and a student–like all of us.
She has been leading groups globally for 35 years and brings a vast and rich experience of developing leadership environments, facilitating executive management and organizational change and working with high-profile corporate leaders, non-profit organizations, groups, and individuals.
Her passion is to transform individuals, teams, and organizations so that they return to a more objective state in which they can experience themselves more authentically, and the world anew. By helping leaders shed layers of fear, control, and fractured selves and replacing those with more harmonious ways of leading and being, tapping deeper into their true potential, Carol prepares us to operate from a place of creativity, spontaneity, playfulness and love.
You can find out more about her work here :
Pricing :
First tier 450€
Second tier 490 €
Third tier 530 €
A 10% discount is offered to people living in Berlin and willing to host, as we are expecting international students.
This is a non-residential retreat, food and accommodation are not included.
Further info and registration :

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