“ Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
~ Albert Einstein
How wide is your tight rope? How long is your balance beam? Are you able to keep moving forward with the winds of change on either side?
Balance is on the brain today. How our lives exist in a continuum of equilibrium. We all do our best, but I doubt that there’s a single person in the world who is perfectly balanced all the time.
Have you ever seen one of those old video clips where they’re building the skyscrapers in Manhattan and the workers are nonchalantly walking across these steel beams hundreds of feet in the air?
Whether that’s a metaphor for living in the modern world or not, I don’t know, but one thing is for sure — those ironworkers had to be sure-footed to maintain their forward momentum.
Take a look back over those decades of what you might call growing up, and see if a pattern emerges. Were your early years of ‘adulting’ fraught with imbalance?
With experience comes wisdom, (one should hope). In some ways, to grow up is to find your center. For me, it took a while. I was prone to wild swings in my younger days.
I try to be more centered as the years go by. There’s nothing to make you appreciate the blessings of being well-balanced, than remembering what it’s like when you’re not.
There’s often a lesson to learn when the pendulum swings too far to one side. It’s best to grab whatever nuggets of wisdom that come your way, no matter how hard earned, and get back on center asap.
There’s a balance to be had between being well-informed and keeping your blinders on firmly enough so that you can stay focused on your vision and your goals.
Remember that the map is not the territory. The world is big and you’ve got your own path through it. Keep your chin up and your goals straight ahead — forward progress is yours.
Much love till next Monday!
ML #612
Mark Metz
Director of the Dance First Association
Publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine