Make plans now for the Evolutionary Playground: New Paths to Change for Uncertain Times, Aug 15 to Sept 26, online.
“Immersing myself with the tools learned here has literally shifted my perspective of the world. My reward is to be living and creating my life to the fullest, most enjoyable experience possible. I’m learning to expand my ability to give and receive love and am now nourishing myself in a ways that are struggle free.” ~ Deb Glass

Would you be willing to live your life out to and past your edges?

Are you willing to end your addiction to adrenaline, fear and busy-ness?

Are you ready to move into resonance and ease as your foundation for being and doing?

Yes, it’s possible to live free of blame and criticism, even inside your own head. Evolutionary Playground will focus on co-creation and resonance to expand solutions and new ways of living in this time of accelerated change and uncertainty.

We are inventing our future now. Humans are grappling with how to ground themselves in this time of chaos and crumbling traditional structures. So having a felt sense of how to encounter the unknown and how to create new structures that are based in reality are becoming more and more vital right now. The act of welcoming opens the heart of invention—saying yes to what is happening, what you are feeling, what you notice.

When you welcome and include, you create a context, an environment, where everything is fuel for aliveness and where each moment arises from turning toward, accepting, choosing and taking actions from your essence. Imagine a future where you welcome others whose essence likes to dance with yours, and your co-created dance inspires others around you to join your personal evolutionary movement.

In Evolutionary Playground, you’ll get out of the head-centric orientation that has skewed reality for several millennia, and into your whole-body creativity, where you can make your dreams real in your life. You’ll learn to use simple, powerful skills, backed by scientific research, that take you from “working on” your life to consciously creating your life.

EP is partly an adult playground where flow replaces struggle, and partly an unfolding of the new paradigm of body intelligence and co-creation. Evolutionary Playground opens up a new path through deep, experiential learning and discovery. You author your own map to create true love for yourself and others that you embody in your moment-to-moment choices.

(This is an online course meeting from 4 – 7pm Pacific on six Thursdays: August 15, 22, 29, and September 5 and 12, then a break, so no class on September 19, and then back September 26, 2024)

“Quite pleasantly, with the brilliant tools of Katie and Gay Hendricks, I’m accomplishing more in my work and personal life through discovery and joyful play than I ever did with hard work. I thank my lucky stars to have been introduced to their Evolutionary Playground!”

~ Rebecca Folsom