This weeks Dance First Member Insight is from Jennifer Joy Jiménez, founder of Transcendance™!

Hello, Fellow Conscious Dancers!

If you’re like me, you may have had a “before finding conscious dance” story and an “after finding conscious dance” story.

Before finding conscious dance, I was a professional modern dancer and a “body abuser.” I had a slew of very deep, rooted limiting beliefs and habits that kept me in pain mentally, emotionally, and physically. I never felt thin enough, good enough, or worthy. It felt like I was living in a “dark cave.”

To shift this mentality, I finally chose to enter “the dark cave.” I began to look at and identify those disempowering beliefs and face them with courage and bravery.

One of the greatest divine gifts that Spirit sent to help me come into the light was my very first conscious dance class, over twenty years ago, with “the one and only” Vincent Martínez-Grieco, the founder of Soul Motion.

It was a transcendental spiritual experience!

It simply felt like I had been a caged bird all my life, and I flew out of that cage. I felt so connected – like I was dancing freely through space in uninhibited freedom and purity of mind, body, and soul. One with my breath, one with my heartbeat, the rhythm of my feet, and in complete harmony with the music. A beautiful symphony of body, soul, beauty, and being.

And it wasn’t really about dance, but about becoming one with God, with my creator. Experiencing a little piece of heaven on earth.

That awakening moment set me on a quest to discover everything I could in the field of conscious dance and a path to a new, deeper, more loving relationship with my body. It helped me to realize my purpose and passion, which is to help all individuals – no matter their age, size, background, or physical ability – to tap into that higher source, that higher connection through music and movement, and connect to their own bodies as a conduit, a chalice for the soul.

It led me to create TranscenDance™, which now decades later has impacted the lives of thousands worldwide!

Here’s what Vincent says about TranscenDance™…

“Watching Jennifer move is like viewing spirit in action. Through power, grace, and beauty, she has a distinct ability to guide you toward sophisticated dance inquiries in easy-to-access bite-size pieces, regardless of age, danceability, or fitness level, and the payoff is tons of fun. I strongly encourage that you take a leap into this pool of dance and splash around in creativity, meaning, and connection!”

I have now incorporated TranscenDance™ into everything I do. It’s my regular meditation & movement practice. I offer it in my transformational coaching and at my spiritual retreats. I also lead TranscenDance™ Facilitator Trainings.

I am in love with how quickly the ten stages of TranscenDance™ can help shift sadness to love, tension to flexibility, stress to freedom, worry to peace of mind, and so much more.

I want to extend a F.I.N.O Invitation…

(Feel – Invited – Not – Obligated) to explore the following opportunities…

TranscenDance™ at my annual Vibrant Healthy Woman Tulum Transformational Retreat in Tulum, Mexico, this November. Spots are limited.

And twice-monthly TranscenDance™ Live Virtual Classes on Zoom.

Our next live class is on Wednesday, August 25th, at 5pm Pacific.

I also have slots available for conscious dancers TranscenDance™ Facilitator Training Virtual.

I do hope to see you on the dance floor very soon.

Here’s to bringing more conscious dance into this world.

To your Vibrant Movement,

Jennifer Joy Jiménez