“ Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”
~ Seneca
Time for a fresh start, right? Here’s to new beginnings, turning the page, and facing the world with fresh eyes. The usual New Year’s business.
It’s the season for such sentiments. It’s part and parcel for this time of the year when our calendar turns a big page.
And yet… From the tiniest electron circling the nucleus of an atom, to the most far-flung planets orbiting the sun, our universe, and you as a microcosm of it, are always swinging along somewhere in a circular cycle.
For what is a beginning, if not simply another point on the wheel? We tend to mark the turning points in our cycles of with undue importance while the reality of cycles is that you are always at a starting point. History ended but a moment ago.
These big markers like New Years and birthdays offer occasion to take stock, plan, and tie up loose ends. It’s always a good idea to revisit your intentions. Catching up with old friends never hurts either.
The paradox of your personal existence is that no matter how much history you have to ponder or how many plans and intentions you have for the path ahead, you only ever exist in the present moment of right now.
The truth is, you are always putting your best foot forward. You may look back to a time when you feel you fumbled, or you might hope for a better footing tomorrow, but in your precious moment of now you are always giving life exactly what you’ve got, no more and no less.
So perhaps these big milestones on the wheel of life can serve a greater purpose. Might we embody the energy of starting fresh throughout the year?
My goal in this moment is to make these weekly missives something that you look forward to. With brevity and levity, I seek to inspire.
May your moment, your week, and your year ahead be blessed with whatever your higher self is calling forth into being!
Bonne année!
ML #609
Mark Metz
Director of the Dance First Association
Publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine