Touching Essence™​ 200 Hour Training with Ellen Watson

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Touching Essence is a multi-sensory, multicultural, Neo-shamanic approach to healing through touch. Touching Essence combines the physical with the metaphysical, engaging the energies of chakras, meridians and the cosmos. We engage the five physical senses, the three subtle senses of imagination, intuition and inspiration, specifically chosen essential oils, sound, song and mantra creation. Each session is individually crafted in support of highest good and desired outcomes of the client.

Touching Essence

Developed over the last 30 years at Esalen Institute, California, Centro d’Ompio, Italy and Bali, Indonesia, Touching Essence is inspired and nurtured by Ellen’s plant medicine work, sound healing, and breathwork practices and teachings, by Elena’s (founder of Tactus), art of touch and energetic work, and by Daniela’s study and practice Esalen Massage and of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Daniela, Elena and Ellen have a combined total of 75 hears of study, practice and teaching Esalen®Massage & Bodywork, along with various healing, somatic and expressive arts practices.

Touching Essence uses the Indian Map of 8 Chakras, the Chinese map of 12 meridians, along with specific essential oils, vocal and sound healing, visualization and affirmation in support of desired outcomes. These act as conductors through which the body, mind, emotions and energy interact as an integrated system. Any imbalance at the level of the chakras and meridians is closely correlated with tensions and disharmonies on the physical level.

The focus of the work is to access these powerful energy centers through a combination of the five physical senses and the three subtle senses. We teach students how to direct breath and sound to release holding patterns throughout the physical and metaphysical bodies.

The intention of this course, is global fusion of highly effective approaches and protocols that address patterns of holding in the physical, emotional, and energetic bodies.

This Program perfect for

Everyone!! Whether for personal development, continuing education, or professional training, this healing and somatic arts program, will enhance your life. If you are new, a novice, perfect. A great way to begin. If you are a seasoned professional, this continuing education program will add to your likely more clinical and traditional training in massage and bodywork.  The ‘live’ program includes 150 hours of classroom time offered during a 22 day residential or commuter training. You will receive a certificate of attendance. If you want to certify as a Touching Essence Healing Artist, you will want to follow the post graduate requirements, listed below.

Those without previous training will want to register for the entire 200 hour training. The training includes 150 classroom hours, ‘in person’; post graduate hours include 50 hours completed at your home site. You will give 30 Touching Essence Sessions, to friends and family members, documenting them in writing. Your receiver will also fill in a feedback sheet.

Our Goal

Give and receive an effective, enjoyable and transformative Touching Essence session. Cultivate deep listening skills, personal presence, awareness and attentiveness. Develop your vocal skills through breath and sound exercises, craft mantra based on client’s desired outcomes. Enhance Awareness of your 8 Sensing Centers. Use our specifically chosen essential oils in support of desired outcomes. Learn the basics of Gestalt Communication Practice. Develop and practice appropriate professional boundaries. Fall in love this Touching Essence as a practice. Open your heart, engage your breath and free your spirit.

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