One of the sure-fire pathways to Amplifying Abundance is to embody an Attitude of Gratitude on a daily basis: to awaken and give thanks for the blessings we have – whether they be the big ones like a healthy body & mind; a loving family; a clear & fulfilling purpose – or the small things that oft go unnoticed – a bird singing cheerily right outside our window; the champagne quality of light pouring in through a stained glass window; or a loving and loyal dog resting at our feet.
Many times, we tend to focus on what we don’t have, and this scarcity focus can actually amplify the lack! When we focus on what we have, and give sincere, authentic thanks for that, we multiply our blessings; and then we can ask for what we truly desire – without demand or expectation – just a sweet longing, and also, a deep trusting that existence has our back, and knows exactly what we need (which is not always the same as what we want).
Our movements will invite this attitude of gratitude, to make ourselves beautiful for existence! In doing so, we become attractive to high vibrational good fortune. After all, the whole of existence is making love to itself, just so we can take the next breath. Isn’t that something to celebrate?