5Rhythms workshop Live Wire: Breath In Motion With Lorca Simons & Tata Leban

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A deep dive into movement, theatre, breath and presence’
The spirit may be willing but the flesh and voice are sometimes tongue-tied. Yet the spirit longs to break the silence and speak from the deepest Live Wire place within us. What words express your current state of being? How does the voice move within the shapes of the body? How do those physical shapes breathe? In this workshop we will create a stage for the spirit within to manifest. Theatrical. Articulate.
An embodied language that expands our creative potential and opens the door of those voices within, articulating all our bodies have to offer.
Live Wire is an embodied ritual theatre investigation, grounded in the movement maps of 5Rhythms®, devoted to the shapeshifting nature of physical art, and guided by the vision of Lorca Simons and Gabrielle Roth. Designed to inspire, refresh, re-set and connect. Our time will include movement, creative excavations, collective truth-telling and beauty-making.
July 5th -7th
Friday from 7pm – 9:30pm
Saturday from 11am – 6pm (1 lunch)
Sunday from 11 am – 5pm (45min lunch)
Early Bird: €175
(Ends on June 5th)
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After June 5th
Full Workshop Admission: € $222
€ $222
We offer a payment plan for those in need of financial assistance.


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