About / Bio
Welcome to 5Rhythms®—a dynamic practice to both workout and meditate in the same breath. Practicing them helps us become attuned to the underlying patterns in our everyday existence.

Waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms. A human being is just that—energy, waves, patterns, rhythms. Nothing more. Nothing less. A dance.

5Rhythms® is a dynamic movement practice—a practice of being in your body—that ignites creativity, connection, and community.

While a seemingly simple process, the 5Rhythms® practice facilitates deep and unending explorations, moving the dancer beyond self-imposed limitations and isolation into new depths of creativity and connection.

Flowing Staccato Chaos Lyrical Stillness®

Each rhythm is interpreted by individuals in a uniquely personal way, opening them to a new sense of freedom and possibility that is both surprising and healing, exhilarating as well as deeply restorative. It is, in essence, “exercise for the right brain.”

When we practice 5Rhythms®, we learn to creatively express aggressiveness and vulnerability, emotions and anxieties, edges and ecstasies. It reconnects us to cycles of birth & death and hooks us into humanity and the spirit of all living things. Within the group context we create connection and community and hone our instincts and our intuitions. We are made up of all walks of life – every culture, religion, race, gender, age and sexual preference are welcome.

5Rhythms® transcends dance. The movement is the medicine, the meditation and the metaphor. Together we peel back layers, lay masks down, and dance till we disappear…Only to rediscover ourselves through it all.

Some of our more active faculty and workshop leaders:
Jonathan Horan (All workshops)
Tammy Burstein (Cycles workshops)
Peter Fodera (Cycles workshops)
Alex Mackay (God Sex and the Body workshops)
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